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Faculty Resources > Teaching Material/Technology Tools > Tutorials



As part of this project, a tutorial is being developed that will walk students through the issues and applications of responsible research and properly citing sources. The tutorial is being built for Blackboard and will include a series of developmental quizzes and a final posttest.  Upon successful completion of the posttest, students will receive a printable certificate of completion.


The tutorial is a modification of the St. Martin's Tutorial on Avoiding Plagiarism and is being modified with their full knowledge and support.  If you are interested in being part of the revision team for this tutorial, please email Robbin Zeff rzeff@gwu.edu to request access to the Blackboard development course. 


Below is a select list of tutorials you might want to assign students for particular emphasis or focus.



General Plagiarism Tutorials




Indiana University Associate Professor of Education Ted Frick developed this interactive tutorial to test a student's knowledge and understanding of plagiarism.  The 10-question tutorial gives a piece of source material followed by how the material was used in a sample student written work.   After each of the 10 examples, the tutorial asks the question: Is this plagiarism?  The user is presented with several checkable buttons with various options regarding the sense in which the student sample might be plagiarism.  If the answer is incorrect, the student receives an immediate pop-up stating why the answer is incorrect and is asked to make another choice.  The design of the tutorial is to make the act of taking the tutorial a learning experience.  Of note to the GW community, there are several questions that focus on George Washington.


These three tutorials are a series of non-interactive web pages that ask and answer questions about copyright ownership, copyright use, and plagiarism.  If one is interested in discussing the differences and relationship between copyright and plagiarism, these tutorials offer a general overview.


This tutorial is divided into four sections.  The first section, appropriately named "First Things First..." defines plagiarism and examines the consequences.  The second section looks at how to avoid plagiarism through taking careful notes and properly quoting, paraphrasing and summarizing. The third section explores the importance of giving credit through bibliographic and in-text citations and ends with a 9 question yes/no quiz titled "Is it Plagiarism?"   After answering each question, a pop-up appears that explains if the answer is correct or incorrect.  The last section focuses on copyright and also ends with a yes/no quiz that follows the same format of providing pop-up responses.  The quiz is titled "Is it Copyright Infringement?"