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Researching and Citing Sources Responsibly (Student)

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Student Resources > Avoiding Plagiarism > How to Research Responsibly




How to Research Responsibly


The best way to avoid plagiarism is to know how to incorporate the words and ideas of others into your work.  This begins in the research process. As you research a topic and begin to gather articles, books, web resources and more on whatever you are researching, you need a way to keep track of where you acquired this information so you can properly give credit to the author of the material.  


Below are resources that will give you ideas and strategies for gathering, storing, and organizing your material.  In addition to learning how to gather the necessary citation information, you should consider using one of the many Citation Tools available online.  More on these software and web based tools is provided in the Citation Tools.






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Comments (4)

Anonymous said

at 2:40 pm on Apr 19, 2007

What type of resources belong here?

Anonymous said

at 12:31 pm on May 6, 2007

My question would be whether there is a little more in the way of practical advice to say in the main body of this page than to record where you got something--e.g., could critical parts of the Bedford material be moved into the main page?

Anonymous said

at 9:00 pm on May 10, 2007

We need to include something to the effect that a PowerPoint presentation constitutes a form of writing, and, in business, industry, and nonprofits, has replaced the formal written report of the past. As a result, responsible research guidelines should be followed for "decks" (or "stacks") or whatever the term is used with a particular discipline or field.

Anonymous said

at 9:01 pm on May 10, 2007

As an addendum to the preceding, the Executive Summary is an important written document that can stand alone, accompany a PowerPoint deck, or a longer paper, article, report, or the like. Responsible research guidelines are important for this genre as well, and it would be great to highlight that somewhere.

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