
Preventing Plagiarism

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Faculty Resources > Preventing Plagiarism


Preventing Plagiarism

Encouraging Responsible Research


Plagiarism is an important issue on college campuses today and a topic of great concern for the GW community.  To prevent plagiarism among our students, GW faculty need to take an active part in designing courses that educate our students about the academic conventions of scholarly research.  We can do this by placing a no tolerance statement about plagiarism on our syllabi, educating our students on proper citation practices to avoid accidental plagiarism, and taking steps to deter intentional plagiarism by making our students aware of the GW Code of Academic Integrity.  These tactics and more are discussed on the following pages.






Comments (3)

Anonymous said

at 5:26 pm on May 8, 2007

As argued in my comment on the section on "Avoiding Plagiarism," might we want to retitle this section something like "Encouraging Original Work," "Enabling Originality," or "Encouraging Responsible Research." More carrot, less stick - identify our basic values rather than generate yet another list of don't's.

Anonymous said

at 8:48 pm on May 10, 2007

"Encouraging responsible research" strikes me as setting a very good tone. "Plagiarism" still needs to be defined, of course, but "avoiding it" should follow the positive directions.

Anonymous said

at 1:37 pm on May 13, 2007

I think this is a great subtitle for this section. However, it may not be the best word choice for the navigational bar. The rule of thumb for navigation is to use established keywords. I'll add this wording option to my usability testing with grad students this summer.

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