

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 8 months ago

GW Plagiarism Project Wiki


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The Office of Graduate Studies and Academic Affairs put together this wiki to bring the GW community together in building content for a plagiarism awareness and prevention web site and in discussing this important topic. GW is an academic community that respects the work and ideas of others as explained in the GW Code of Academic Integrity. Students and faculty at GW need ready access to information on how to identify, understand, avoid, and prevent plagiarism. Currently, GW lacks a comprehensive collection of online information on plagiarism for students to learn how to avoid plagiarism and for faculty to go to for material on how to teach students plagiarism prevention and responsible research. This wiki is GW’s move to address these needs and concerns.


What is a Wiki? A wiki is a collaborative authoring web site where visitors with the password can add, edit, and contribute content.  If you are visiting this wiki, it means you received the password in an email invitation.


Web 2.0 Perspective - Scholars today face new challenges when it comes to traversing the conventions of authorship and attribution in a world where everything is accessible, connected, and where collaboration can make group authorship as instantaneous and seamless as the web itself.  As such, these pages embrace the spirit of Web 2.0 as defined by Tim O'Reilly and what Eric Hoefler, Technology Liaison for the Northern Virginia Writing Project, calls Research 2.0 on his wiki. For more information on how this wiki is dealing with the implications of Web 2.0, visit either the Research 2.0 (student version) or the Research 2.0 (faculty version) pages.



Your Task


Content -  Many outstanding online resources on plagiarism for students and faculty exist and are freely available.  It is not the intension of this wiki to duplicate efforts, rather the purpose of this wiki is to provide access through annotated links to the best of these resources and only build tools and resources when key topics are missing.   


You have been invited to add to the content and resource links presented.  When you want to make a change on a page, click on the Edit Page button above.  You will be sent to a login page that will ask for your name and password.  Enter your name and the password you received in your invitation email.  Once you supply this information, you will go to a page that will open an interface allowing you to edit the page's contents.


Commenting - You are also encouraged to comment or discuss the contents of each page.  Once you login to the wiki, you will see a Comments link in the top navigational bar on every page.  In additional to actually editing content, this is the place to remark on content you would like added or expanded.


Contributing - As a contributor to this wiki, add your name to the Contributors page.  We want to recognize the many people who contributed to this collection of resources.


Audiences - The resource pages on this wiki are divided into two categories representing the primary audiences for this material: 


  • Student Resources (graduate students, international students, and undergraduate students)
  • Faculty Resources (full and part-time faculty and graduate teaching assistants)


Usually a similar but different page is used to address content provided for these audiences.  However, sometimes the same page is used for both sections.  When there is a different page for the student resources than the faculty resources, the page title will be identified with "(Student)"  as in "Understanding Plagiarism (Student)."


Browsers - This wiki is best viewed with the latest version of a browser.  However, we know that some become attached to a specific version of a browser and choose not to upgrade.  Please keep in mind that you might experience formatting issues with older browsers.  Don't worry about the formatting.  All of the content will eventually be moved to a permanent web site where the formatting and design issues will be worked out.


Timeframe - All the contents on this wiki will move to the new WID Studio (an online environment for writing and research resources) Spring 2008.

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