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Page history
last edited
by PBworks 17 years, 4 months ago
This is a working list of the people who have contributed to the development of the GW Plagiarism Project collection of resources. If you have contributed to the content on this wiki, please add your name to the list below.
- Robbin Zeff, Assistant Professor of Writing and Professional Technology Fellow, GW - Project Manager
- Carol Sigelman, Associate Vice President for Graduate Studies & Academic Affairs and Professor of Psychology, GW - Project Supervisor
- Sergie Antoshin, Graduate Student, School of Business, GW
- Theresa Gandolph, Instructional Development Specialist, Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning, GW
- Ryan Jerving, Assistant Professor of Writing, GW
- Yongjae Kwon, Graduate Student, School of Business, GW
- Melinda Knight, Executive Director of the University Writing Program and Professor of Writing, American Studies, and Strategic Management & Public Policy, GW
- Paul Levett, Reference Librarian,Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library, GW
- Jon F. Merz, Associate Professor in the Department of Medical Ethics in the School of Medicine, and Senior Fellow in the Center for Bioethics, University of Pennsylvania
- Sam Nasypbek, Graduate Student, School of Business, GW
- Julie Ryan, Assistant Professor of Engineering Management & Systems Engineering, GW
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